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Adoptable and Private Pumping Stations: Pro's and Cons

Private and adoptable pumping stations are very different in the way they are designed and built and, even though they serve the same purpose, vary massively in complexity. But what are the pro's and cons of both?

Pro's of Private (over against an adoptable system)

  • A private pumping station is far more cost effective and simpler to install as it does not need to the meet the demands of the water companies specification

  • The pumping station will be equally as reliable and efficient as the equivalent adoptable pumping station

  • Much less costly to build and often take up much less space

Con's of Private (over against an adoptable system)

  • The maintenance and running costs of the system is the lies responsibility of the property owners

Pro's of an Adoptable system (over against a private system)

  • Maintenance is the responsibility of the water authority once adopted

  • Well considered design and build often leads to a higher quality finished product

Con's of an Adoptable system (over against a private system)

  • Lead times are much longer

  • Total cost is much higher


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