Once the build of the chamber has been successfully completed we will be able to enter into the chamber to do our initial works. Prior to this we will send a form to ensure that certain criteria are met along with our Risk Assessments and Method Statements and other Health & Safety documentation required. The form asks several simple questions to make sure that it is safe to do the work and that the work can be completed in the allotted time frame. A copy of the questions are below:
There is reasonable hard road vehicular access to the pump chamber suitable for lorries.
Assistance and/or craneage will be provided free of charge, to handle 'heavy lift' items (in excess of 50 kg).
There is good, safe access around the pump chamber.
Scaffold barriers to protect against falls into trenches around the pump chamber.
Pump chamber has been constructed to the latest drawing supplied.
Pump chamber floor is flat and smooth, ready for us to drill into.
The benching has not been cast in the pump chamber.
Cover slabs on pump chamber has access holes and rebate sizes constructed as per the above referenced drawing.
The davit socket and surface box been installed if this is shown on the drawings.
Cover slab has been firmly set in position over the pump chamber.
The metal access cover MUST NOT be fitted in the wet well cover slab at this stage. For Health and Safety reasons and ease of installation, it should be fitted AFTER the pipework has been installed in the wet well.
Box outs and access holes are of the sizes and in the positions shown on the above referenced drawing.
A box out has been left in the pump chamber wall for our discharge pipe to pass through, and you will connect your rising main onto our pipe OUTSIDE the pump chamber. We will terminate in a plain ended UPVC pipe. If alternative arrangements are required please advise beforehand but note that Paradigm do not carry responsibility for the rising main itself, its installation or its working.
Pump chamber is free from debris and rubble and has been emptied of water.